Rodney W Wilson LLB P.G.Dip(Law) SA(HCC)

Admitted 1997

The Director of ESL, Rodney W Wilson has been in the legal profession for more than 30 years and was the first local black man to be admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court and a High Court Advocate. A Highly experienced and able Higher Court Advocate and Duty Solicitor specialising in Criminal defence and Immigration law.

His experience in the field of Criminal law has been recognised by the Law Society who: granted dispensation from the requisite 2 year training contract; dispensation from the requirement to have been qualified 3 years before being permitted to open a practice, and granted the status of Higher Court Advocate by exemption.

He was Senior Lecturer in the Laws of Evidence and in Criminal Practice and Procedures at the UWE Bristol.  He is also registered as a Mentor at the City of Bristol College.  Over the years he has acted as legal advisor to the Sickle Cell and Thalassemia Centre.

His community work extends to playing for, managing and chairing local teams including St Phillips AFC, Lebeqs Tavern AFC and Lockleaze Basketball Clubs. He has given many inspirational talks to local schools, colleges, universities and other influential organisations and has supervised the qualification of a number of solicitors. He remains a positive role model for members of the community in which he was raised and continues to practice.

Rodney WIlson - Elite Solicitors Bristol

Notable Cases:

R v B 1993 – Murder reduced to Manslaughter. Setting the sentence tariff for Motor Manslaughter cases.

R v C 1997 – Murder reduced to Manslaughter at the Old Bailey.

R v G 2005 – Murder, acquitted at the Old Bailey.

R v L 2005 – Murder reduced to Manslaughter, 12 months’ Imprisonment.

R v E 2007 – Death by Dangerous Driving, reduced to Careless Driving.

R v M 2009 – Arson, group of youths burning down part of a school. Reduced to criminal damage.

R v W 2010 – £40 million drugs Conspiracy, Kingston Crown Court, acquitted.

R v A 2012 – Drugs supply in prison, Isle of White.

R v M 2014 – £600,000 Fraud case at the Old Bailey. Conditional Discharge after trial.

R v S 2015 – £1 million Drugs Conspiracy, acquitted after trial..

R v W 2016 – Murder. Issue of joint enterprise.  Acquitted after trial.

R v L 2016 – Possession of a loaded firearm with intent to endanger life, possession of ammunition, possession of class A drugs with intent to supply and possession of class B drugs. Instructed to prepare and conduct former professional footballer’s trial in London following a recommendation. All items found in Defendant’s bedroom. Acquitted after trial.

R v G 2017 – Rape.  Instructed, following a recommendation to represent a former professional footballer charged with raping a teenager. Acquitted after trial.

R v W 2018 – Murder.  Defendant acquitted of murder after throwing acid on victim who subsequently died following an assisted suicide.

R v A 2018 – Racially Aggravated threatening behaviour.  An equal rights pioneer and activist acquitted after trial following an allegation of racially aggravated threats to shoot someone.

R v D (2018) – The Defendant was  acquitted following the Judge’s directions in what was the second FGM prosecution in the UK leading to the establishment of the ‘Bristol Model’, setting the precedent for the way in which  all FGM cases in the UK are to be dealt with.

R v N (2020) – Attempted Murder. Defendant acquitted of attempted murder after trial, having stabbed a person in the neck.

R v Z (2020) – Being Concerned in the Production of Cannabis. Jury took just 29 minutes to acquit the Defendant who lived on the ground floor of a domestic property and had access to an adjoining property where the upstairs of both properties housed a commercial sized Cannabis factory, containing in excess of 350 plants.

R v A (2021) – Section 18 GBH (with intent). Defendant charged with stabbing complainant 8 times to head and face during an altercation. Defendant maintained he used reasonable force to defend himself. Unanimous acquittal after trial.

R v H (2022) – POCA. Benefit in excess of £38,000 sought. Confiscation Order made in the sum of £17.00.

R v A (2022) – PWITS. Second set of offences of PWITS Class A, Committed while on bail, 9 days before sentence at the Crown Court for PWITS Class A.  Sentenced to 2 years imprisonment suspended for 2 years with 3 months Curfew.

R v G (2023) – Assault by Beating an Emergency Worker.  Defendant charged with assaulting a police officer having himself been Pava sprayed and tasered 5 times, (once to the lower eyelid), while sat in a motor vehicle. Jury took 45 mins to find him not guilty.

R v F (2023) – As part of a multi-million pound OCG drugs investigation where encoded devices were used, Defendant charged with PWITS MDMA and Ketamine and Failing to provide their device pin. Acquitted after trial.


Notable Cases

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