Cost & Services

At The Police Station

Advice and assistance whilst you are detained at the police station is always free.  It does not matter how much your income is or how much you have in savings.  We offer a 24 hour emergency service for clients by calling 0117 9525777

Whilst On Police Bail

Whilst on police bail there is no legal aid scheme to pay for our costs.  We would be happy to discuss private paying fees if necessary.

Private Paying

If you are not eligible for legal aid, we are able to represent you on a private fee paying basis.  The fee would be determined by the complexity of the case and the amount of work required.  We can discuss this individually with you.

Magistrates Court Funding

In the first instance we will consider if public funding is available.  If not, we will provide you with an estimate from the beginning of your case.  This will be a break down for each stage, showing our fees and any disbursements.

If you win your case, you may be able to get some of your defence costs back, should an order for defence costs be made by the Court.

If you are eligible for public funding, the cost of our representation is free to you.  This will allow us to do all of the necessary work, including preparation of your case and representation in Court through to the final hearing.  This will also include some advice on appeal if necessary.

Do you need us to represent you? Contact us for a consultation